Species details
Litoria latopalmata (Broad-palmed Frog)
Size range: Length from nose to rear is 45 mm in females & 40 mm in males
Regions: North East
Description: The Broad-palmed Frog is characterised by a pointed snout, broad head stripes, long legs and a first finger that is usually longer than the second. They are grey to pale brown with a bold dark stripe from nostril to forelimb that encloses the ear and is broken by a pale crescent-shaped bar in front of the eye. Their skin is smooth or with a few scattered low warts. The back of their thighs is yellow with darker mottling. Their belly is white with a granular surface. They have small discs on the tips of their fingers and toes. They do not have webbing on their fingers but do have well-developed webbing on their toes.
Habitat: They are common in open forests and do well in disturbed areas. They are found near semi-permanent water such as pools and billabongs in or near open forest.
Call description: Males have a quacking call that begins slowly then accelerates to a rapid chattering.
Breeding behaviour: Breeding occurs from spring to the end of summer when rainfall coincides with high temperatures. Males call from the edge of water or damp areas near water. Females deposit small loose clusters of eggs on or near the water surface or attached to aquatic vegetation in shallow water. Tadpoles are about 35 mm long.